Downtown West Palm Beach Florida located in the new and wonderful City Commons Waterfront Park and along Flagler Drive
February 25, 26 and 27, 2011
Schedule of Planned Events:
Professional Sanctioned Criterium Bicycle Racing
Friday night under the lights, Saturday morning and evening and Sunday morning and evening
Beach Cruiser races on the same track as the Criterium
Saturday night is for Adults at City Commons Waterfront
- A Bicycle Movie
- Chopper bike contest
- Freakbike Militia Ride with fun and games
Sunday, all day, in City Commons Waterfront Park
- The PAL bike ride will pass by us. This is a fund raiser for Palm Beach County PAL
- Many fun events for children and families
- Family ride around the park, Best themed Family gets the prize
- Tandem Bicycle race around the park
- Tricycle, big and small, race around the park
- Mexican Hat dance with BMX bicycles
- Tall Bike Race
- Ladies wearing a big hat riding a beach cruiser with a doggie in the basket
- Art contests including best home painted bicycle. (Celebrity Judge)
- School Students art contest for drawings of bicycles
- Special events designed, named, promoted and produced by youth groups
- Bicycle Shops in the area will have clinics on repair and maintenance of bikes
- Bicycle shops will have special sizing of bicycles for each individual
- Safety Council of the Palm Beaches will size Helmets
- Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will be given the tools to obtain Badges in cycling
- Bicycle shops will hold Nutrition Information for the bicyclists
- Manufacturers will have displays of bicycles and bike gear
- Venders will set up tents around the park that are all bicycle, exercise and green related
For more information, Please contact Jack Hairston, Executive Director of
Jack the Bike Man, Inc. at c[email protected]
Check our website for scheduling and continuous updates at